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Working town

This section of the Masterplan recognises the importance of how the patterns of movement around work and learning energise the town and how the proposals can strengthen the proposition of working and learning in the town centre.

New Workplace

Reintroducing residential on its own to town centres can lead to areas devoid of life and activity during working hours. Introducing a workspace can mitigate this while offering flexible working and a healthy life/work balance.


With a new imperative to work from home accelerated by COVID-19, there is a greater need for local shared workspace in well-connected towns to bridge between home and town centre.


The master plan identifies a number of locations where new shared / creative workplace and maker space could be provided, either as part of a new build development or as part of a potential repurposing strategy for retained assets (Baird’s / M&S).


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Further Education Opportunities

Potential new workplace opportunities within Hamilton town centre 

There is currently only one block of dedicated student residential accommodation within the town centre and a possible requirement for more has been identified. 

The masterplan proposes the introduction of a new block of student residential accommodation 

as part of the redevelopment of the Duke Street MSCP site, strategically located adjacent to the transport interchange and on the new active travel route.

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Duke Street site: Potential student residential block at the heart of the town centre 
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