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Hamilton: A Town Centre for Everyone

Our town centres offer a rich and authentic environment that, for generations, have been the back-drop to the ceremonies and memorable events of our community. Furthermore, the health of a town centre reflects the health of the wider community or society.


The Masterplan seeks to develop an energised town centre that is open to all and where there is alignment, engagement and transparency on decision making will combat isolation, create opportunity and enrich the lives of the community it serves.


It is critical that we achieve a perception shift in our community and stakeholders and reposition Hamilton in people’s psyche. At the core of this proposal is the need to reconnect all of us to our town centre.

The Masterplan shows a vision of a better Hamilton that meets the requirements of all regardless of age, disability or wealth.

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....for the Community

An inclusive and accessible town centre with increased levels of living, working and play for all, regardless of mobility or income

....for Living

A town centre that provides a broad choice of different housing opportunities in terms of type and tenure and supports these with essential services, creating a true 20 minute neighbourhood

....for Leisure & Culture

A town centre that serves not just its local population but a vibrant hub for the wider region, home to essential leisure, civic and cultural services

....for Active travel

A permeable town centre that prioritises people over cars and facilitates walking, cycling and public transport accessibility right at its heart

A Town Centre Reinvented....

Study Area

A concentrated and focused approach is the first key principle in the prescribed methodology for Vision Led Regeneration.


It Prevents “spreading the jam too thin” by attempting to regenerate equally and simultaneously across the wider town centre.


We have defined a more focused town centre boundary that consists of the area bounded by the main Glasgow rail line to the south, the A723 to the east, the properties to the north and south of Cadzow Street, and Leechlee Road to the west.


This is the heart of the town and the primary extents of how the town centre is experienced. This concentration will make transformational change visible, and act as a catalyst for positive evolution beyond this initial boundary.

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South Lanarkshire Council town centre boundary

‘Concentrated’ town centre boundary

Approach & Methodology

The Masterplan seeks to show the kind of moves that will achieve an aspired quality of place and resilience for Hamilton.


It is built on an understanding of Scottish Government guidance and what is working in other towns but is importantly a Hamilton-specific solution grounded in a depth of analysis.


A successful town centre core supports a vast diversity of functions and the ways we collectively use the town centre are wide-ranging and complex.

To structure a response around this complexity, we have followed the principles in the guidance ‘A Vision for High Street Regeneration’ developed by Threesixty Architecture in collaboration with The Scottish Government, Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Revo.

We have employed the methodology and manifesto that structures the analysis and response into key sections.

Click on the links below to find out more
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